2011 jTBC Kdrama Korean Drama December 7, 2011 I Live in Cheongdam Dong (Korean Drama) I Live in Cheongdam Dong (Korean Drama) | Synopsis,Cast,Photo Title: 청담동 살아요 / I Live in Cheongdam Dong Chinese Title: 住在清潭洞 Genre: Sit...
2011 Kdrama Korean Drama MBN Wednesday, December 07, 2011 Come, Come, Absolutely Come (Korean Drama) Korean Drama: Come, Come, Absolutely Come Title: 왔어왔어 제대로 왔어 / Come, Come, Absolutely Come Chinese Title: 木已成舟 Previously known as: You ...
Asian Music Award Mama MNet Super Junior December 5, 2011 Super Junior victory at MAMA(MNET ASIAN MUSIC AWARD) 2011 SINGAPORE - In the Mnet Asian Music Awards(MAMA) 2011 , Super Junior or also known as SuJu was victorious by winning a number of important...
Asian Music Award Mama MNet December 4, 2011 Winner of the 2011 Mnet Asian Music Awards ("MAMA") On November 29, 2011, the day of the awards of the 2011 Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA) at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, attracting stars an...
kpop Super Junior Super Junior Concert December 3, 2011 Today, Suju Shown in Mnet Live Concert Malaysia SEOUL - Yesung 'Super Junior' revealed that his musical groups will perform Concert Mnet Live in Malaysia , today. In a Twitter ...
2011 jTBC Kdrama Korean Drama Korean Drama Synopsis November 30, 2011 Padam Padam… The Sound of His and Her Heartbeats | Korean Drama Korean Drama : Padam Padam… The Sound of His and Her Heartbeats Title: 빠담빠담… 그와 그녀의 심장박동소리 / Padam Padam… The Sound of His and Her Heartbea...
2011 jTBC Kdrama Korean Drama November 28, 2011 Fermentation Family Korean Drama Fermentation Family Korean Drama Title: 발효가족 / Fermentation Family Chinese Title: 发酵家族 Genre: Family, Romance Episodes: 24 Director: P...
2011 jTBC Korean Drama Korean Drama Synopsis November 24, 2011 Queen Insoo Korean Drama Queen Insoo Korean Drama | Korean Drama 2011 Title: 인수대비 / Queen Insoo Chinese Title: 仁粹大妃 Genre: Drama, Historical Episodes: 50 Direc...