2013 Drama Korea Terbaru KBS2 Korean Drama March 14, 2013 Lee Soon Shin is the Best Title: 최고다 이순신 / Lee Soon Shin is the Best Also Known as: You are the best, Lee Soon Shin Chinese Title: 最佳李順新 Genre: Romance, Comedy ...
2013 Drama Korea Terbaru Korean Drama tvN March 12, 2013 Nine: 9 Times Time Travel Title: 나인: 아홉 번의 시간 여행 / Nine: 9 Times Time Travel Chinese Title: Nine: 九回時間旅行 Also known as: Nine Genre: Romance , Fantasy, Melodrama...
2013 Drama Korea Terbaru Korean Drama SBS March 8, 2013 Your Woman (Korean Drama) Title: 당신의 여자 / Your Woman Chinese Title: 你的女人 Also Known as: Your Lady Genre: Family, Romance Episodes: 100+ Producer: Jung Hyo Scre...
2013 KBS2 Korean Drama March 1, 2013 Pure Love Title: 일말의 순정 / Pure Love Chinese Title: 一絲的純情 Genre: Sitcom, Family, Romance Director: Kwon Jai Young Screenwriter: Choi Soo Young E...
2013 jTBC Korean Drama Melodrama January 25, 2013 Thorn Flower Title: 가시꽃 / Thorn Flower Chinese Title: 荊棘花 Also known as: Spine Flower / Thorny Flower Genre: Melodrama Director: Kim Do Hyung Write...
2013 Drama Korea Terbaru Korean Drama MBC January 18, 2013 A Hundred Year’s Inheritance | Korean Drama Title: 백년의 유산 / A Hundred Year’s Inheritance Chinese Title: 百年的遺產 Also known as: One Hundred Year’s Legacy / 100 Year’s Legacy Previoul...
2013 Drama Korea Terbaru Korean Drama MBC Friday, January 18, 2013 7th Grade Civil Servant | Korean Drama 2013 Title: 7급공무원 / 7th Grade Civil Servant Chinese Title: 七級公務員 Also known as: Level 7 Civil Servant / 7th Level Civil Servant Genre: Romance, ...
Korean Drama OST OST Korean Drama MP3 December 9, 2012 Every Single Day(에브리 싱글 데이) – Cheongdamdong Alice OST Part.1(청담동 앨리스 OST Part.1) Every Single Day(에브리 싱글 데이) – Cheongdamdong Alice OST Part.1(청담동 앨리스 OST Part.1) Detail: Album Name: Every Single Day(에브리 싱글 데이) – Cheong...