2012 Kdrama Korean Drama MBC November 29, 2012 Oh Ja Ryong is Coming Title: 오자룡이 간다 / Oh Ja Ryong is Coming Chinese Title: 吳子龍來了 Genre: Family, Romance Episodes: 100+ (To Be Announced) Producer: Cho Kyun...
2012 Kdrama Korean Drama SBS Thursday, November 29, 2012 The Birth of a Family Title: 가족의 탄생 / The Birth of a Family Chinese Title: 家族的誕生 Genre: Romance, Melodrama, Family Episodes: 100+ (To Be Announced) Director:...
2012 KBS2 Korean Drama November 23, 2012 Jeon Woo Chi (Korean drama) Jeon Woo-chi is a 2012 South Korean drama starring Cha Tae-hyun as the titular Taoist wizard who becomes an unlikely hero to the people o...
2012 Drama Korea Terbaru Korean Drama November 22, 2012 Cheongdamdong Alice (Korean Drama) Title: 청담동 앨리스 / Cheongdamdong Alice Chinese Title: 清潭洞愛麗絲 Also Known as: Alice in Cheongdamdong Genre: Romance, comedy Episodes: 16 (T...
2012 Kdrama Korean Drama November 7, 2012 Missing You / I Miss You (Korean Drama) Missing You / I Miss You (Korean Drama) - Synopsis, Cast, Photo, Trailer Title: 보고싶다 / Missing You Chinese Title: 想你 Also Known as: I Mi...
2012 Full House Full House Korean Drama Korean Drama SBS October 21, 2012 Full House Take 2 (Korean Drama) Full House Take 2 ( Korean Drama ) - Synopsis,Cast, Photo Title: 풀하우스 TAKE2 / Full House Take 2 Chinese Title: 浪漫满屋 2 Japanese: フルハウスTAK...
2012 Kdrama Korean Drama Korean Drama Plot Korean Drama Synopsis April 20, 2012 Queen Inhyun’s Man (Korean Drama 2012) Queen Inhyun’s Man (Korean Drama 2012) | Synopsis, Trailer, Cast Title: 인현왕후의 남자 / Queen Inhyun’s Man Chinese Title: 仁显王后的男人 Also known...
2012 KBS2 Kdrama Korean Drama Korean Drama Plot Korean Drama Synopsis April 6, 2012 The Equator Man Korean Drama The Equator Man Korean Drama | Synopsis, Trailer, Photo, Cast Title: 적도의 남자 / The Equator Man Chinese Title: 来自赤道的男人 Also Known as: Ma...
2012 Kdrama Korean Drama Korean Drama Synopsis March 31, 2012 The Strongest K-POP Survival | Korean Drama 2012 The Strongest K-POP Survival | Korean Drama 2012 Title: K-POP 최강 서바이벌 / The Strongest K-POP Survival Chinese Title: K-POP 最強生存者 Also K...
2012 Drama Korea Terbaru Korean Drama Korean Drama Synopsis MBC March 29, 2012 The King 2hearts Korean Drama The King 2hearts Korean Drama | Synopsis, Detail, Photo,Trailer Title: 더킹투허츠 / The King 2hearts Previously known as: 더 킹 (The King) / 킹2h...
2012 Kdrama Korean Drama Korean Drama Synopsis January 21, 2012 Korean Drama: Feast of the Gods Korean Drama: Feast of the Gods Title: 신들의 만찬 / Feast of the Gods Chinese Title: 神的晚餐 Genre: romance, comedy Episodes: 32 Director: Lee ...
2012 KBS-N Kdrama Korean Drama January 4, 2012 Glowing She (Korean Drama 2012) Glowing She (Korean Drama 2012) | Synopsis, Detail, Photo, cast, Trailer Title: 자체발광 그녀 / Glowing She Chinese Title: 閃亮的她 / 明艳动人的她 Also ...
2012 Kdrama Korean Drama MBC December 28, 2011 The Moon That Embraces the Sun ( korean drama 2012) The Moon That Embraces the Sun ( korean drama 2012) Title: 해를 품은 달 / The Moon That Embraces the Sun Chinese Title: 月亮怀抱太阳 Also known as: ...
2012 KBS2 Kdrama Korean Drama Wednesday, December 28, 2011 Korean Drama: Wild Romance Korean Drama: Wild Romance | Wild Romance Synopsis,Detail,Cast,Photo,Trailer Title: 난폭한 로맨스 / Wild Romance Chinese Title: 暴力罗曼史 Also Kn...
2012 Drama Korea Terbaru Kdrama Korean Drama SBS December 20, 2011 Salaryman Chohanji (Korean Drama 2012) Salaryman Chohanji ( Korean Drama 2012 ) | Synopsis,Cast,Trailer Title: 샐러리맨 초한지 / Salaryman Chohanji Chinese Title: 工薪族楚汉志 Also Known a...